I’ve been reminded this week of the power of story.
And so I want to use this blog post to share some stories with you! Stories of mums doing everyday life – with Jesus, His love and life flowing out of them and touching the lives of others.
Stories inspire us, they challenge us, they build faith. If God can use someone else like that, He can use me!
As mums we have unique opportunities to reach others in our communities, schools and workplaces.
As you read the following stories, each shared by a Mums.Kids.Jesus reader (and a couple at the end by me), be stirred and encouraged.
God can touch someone else through you!
Katie’s Story
My children are at secondary school so I have little chance to meet parents at the school gate. We also moved across our area when our children were in Years 3 and 5, so many of the mums I knew are a good half-hour walk away – so, no bumping into them.
I have a dog, so that’s an opportunity to meet people – I do stop a lot and chat to people. But my biggest connections have come through our local parents page on Facebook. I will often share on there what the baby bank needs (my friend at church runs it), and this has brought many to my door with things, some repeatedly.
After Christmas I decided to pray that I would get a bit deeper with some of them.
I have invited many for coffee but so far none have come, but one week when I asked one through messenger how her son was (he had been ill), she invited herself over.
She came and stayed for an hour-and-a-half with her son.
Small steps. Nothing mind-blowing, but I felt I got to know her better which can now be built on.
Sam’s Story
Whenever I dream of someone, I ask God if He has something to speak to that person through the dream and share it with them.
One night I dreamed of a Muslim lady I sometimes see at the school gate. I don’t know her very well, but felt I should share the dream with her.
So, the next day, I messaged her (because it’s often difficult to catch people at the school gate) and shared the dream with her, and what I felt God wanted to say to her through it.
The dream really spoke into a difficult home situation (which I didn’t know about), and she totally opened up her heart to me.
I didn’t see her then for a while as she was away, but just today as I have been praying to connect with her again, she’s sent me a message asking for prayer as she is going to the hospital on Sunday for a MRI.
So I told her I’m praying, and messaged her a prayer in Jesus’ name, and she replied, ‘Thank you!’
Jo’s Story
I work in a coffee shop a few hours a week that is funded by the church. It’s one of my favourite places to be as people come and go and spend their time in there and I get to see them all!
Opportunities often come up where I am able to share God with those who need to hear.
The shop is in a small close-knit village where we have one or two homeless people sitting outside.
My 6-year-old daughter, Melody, really has a heart for these people and one time asked if she could buy food for the guy sitting outside the supermarket. So we bought him food and asked him his name – Tommy.
My daughter prayed for Tommy every single night without fail and still now prays for the homeless people on the streets.
At the shop we used to give Tommy a free coffee every day.
For the past few weeks Tommy has been coming in and paying for his own coffee (in his words, as a way to say thank you). He is back up on his feet and has been clean for over six months, and told me he has seen his family and grandchildren again!!
I was able to tell him that we, and especially my daughter, had been praying for him.
Tommy knows our prayers helped him.
He is searching for God but hasn’t yet had that special encounter with Jesus.
This week Tommy came in and I was able to have a good chat with him. The Holy Spirit prompted me to invite him to church with us.
I’m praying Tommy will be able to make it to church with us this weekend and I know he will one day have that encounter!! Praise God!
Rosalind’s Story
I open my heart up to God each day and say, “God whoever you want me to reach out to today, make a way”.
Last week, I had to put my mum in a care home for emergency respite. On arriving at the care home a lovely lady met us and warmly introduced herself.
Half-an-hour later, when I was trying, with difficulty, to settle my mum in, I needed to get water for her room. As I went in search of the water, there she was, the lovely lady, and she pointed me to the water.
I asked her how she was and this brought tears to her eyes.
I enquired about her situation, and she proceeded to tell me that when her two children were under 13 her husband died of cancer. This was 20 years ago.
She had been a singer and had to stop so she could get a higher paying job, or she would loose her home and have to get a council house, and she didn’t want to move home.
Now she is 60+. She has been to church ONCE since he died, and she just cried, and doesn’t want to embarrass herself by going again.
I was able to reassure her of God’s love and that she needs to allow God in to comfort her and that he has not abandoned her.
When I asked would she start reading her Bible again and going to church, she said she would. We then prayed together and I know God touched her.
Joanna’s Stories
I visited a friend this week who’s just had a baby. She’s from a Sheikh background, and her husband is Muslim.
As I was leaving, I felt prompted to offer to pray a blessing over her and her new baby.
She readily accepted and I laid hands on her and prayed blessing on her, her family and her new son.
She was incredibly touched. She said it’s the first time anyone has ever prayed for her or blessed her and that it felt ‘lovely’.
She has messaged me since to thank me again.
I no longer meet mums at the school gates as my kids are older.
The main time I’m out and about is when I walk our dog, so I’ve been asking God for opportunities to connect with others during that time.
It’s been amazing! The last two weeks (since I started asking God for openings) other dog walkers have stopped to chat with me, and I’ve begun deeper relationship with some of them.
I was also able to pray for one walker who had a bad knee and God healed her. Wow!!
I love these stories!
Take some time to read back through them. Ask God what you can learn from them. Pray for these beautiful mums (and daughter) and the people they are sharing Jesus with.
Reaching out to others does not have to be complicated. It is living everyday life, with Jesus, His love flowing through you and from you.
Ask God this coming week who you can connect with, who you can share God’s love with, whether it be a word to encourage them, an offer of prayer, or a kind action.
God can change someone’s life through you! And His Holy Spirit is with you to give you courage and wisdom!
I’d love to hear your stories of God using you to touch the lives of others, however small they may seem – especially stories that happen in your day-to-day ‘mum life’. With your permission, I’ll share them in another blog post. Leave your story in a comment below or subscribe to Mums.Kids.Jesus emails and send me an email.

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