This post is a little different! (But good different!)
It’s the first time I’ve invited someone else to share something of their life on Mums.Kids.Jesus.
Welcome to Claire Musters, fellow mum, blogger and friend!
I love that Claire hungers for more of God. I love that God has shown her ways to connect with him in the midst of motherhood.
I know what Claire shares below will encourage you. Where ever you are at with God, however busy or tired you may be, God has a way for you to meet with him.
(Keep reading to the bottom for some great free resources to help YOU connect with God)
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I’ll let Claire share:
5 Simple Ways to Connect with God (Even as a Busy Mum)
Your kids woke hours before the alarm went off.
Your husband is rushing around trying to find his keys before heading out for work.
The baby is screaming. Your head is throbbing.
Your eldest is running late for school, and still only has her socks on.
You haven’t even had time to think about yourself!
In the midst of the chaos, does God really expect you to stay close to Him?
The pace of life these days is quite extraordinary, and yet, whether we are out-at-work or stay-at-home mums, somehow we have to find a way to juggle all the chores and pleas from family and friends that vie for our attention.
Can we really still find God in it all? Can we truly walk with Him in it?
I can’t claim to have all the answers, but, as a mum of two fairly young children, working part-time from home, I do have a few practical thoughts that have helped me and I hope will help you too:
1. Start each day inviting God to be a part of it
Now this may seem over-simplistic, but as soon as we climb out of bed we know we are going to be hitting the ground running, playing catch up all day, so try a quick prayer inviting God to help you as you get up.
I notice such a difference, particularly in the mad rush of the morning, when I don’t remember to speak to Him. Asking the Holy Spirit to dwell with you afresh and help you with your family is a great way to start the day and literally only takes a minute!
I have been totally overwhelmed by what a difference this simple phrase makes to my day: ‘Please God, order my day.’
2. Play worship music during your day.
I felt so distant from God when I had my first child – I almost grieved the precious time I had had to commune with Him without interruption.
I was really, really struggling when our pastor’s wife asked me whether I played worship music when I was at home with my daughter.
I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it myself. As a musician in our church I usually surrounded myself with music, but in the tiredness of having a newborn baby I hadn’t even been able to bring myself to put on a CD! When I did, it was an amazing lift to my spirit (and I’m sure contributed to my daughter’s love of music and keenness to join in worshiping God now).
3. Grab moments with God where you can!
It was total revelation to me when I discovered that snatching a minute here and there throughout the day was a good way of staying in touch with God.
I had been beating myself up about the fact that I was missing quiet time after quiet time and yet I was letting loads of little opportunities slip by. When I started grabbing those – and they have often included one child clinging to me at the same time – I began to feel closer to God again.
You don’t need an hour’s quiet time to be a good Christian!
4. Ask God to reveal more about Himself to you through your everyday activities.
Whenever I’m getting too caught up in rushing here and there, I remember what it was like when both my children started walking. They wanted to walk everywhere, but didn’t really walk faster than a snail’s pace – much to my frustration and annoyance.
I’m the sort of person who just wants to get to where I’m going and get on with what I have to do. But God really challenged me on that and told me to get down onto their level.
When I allowed myself the time to look at things through their eyes it was like discovering the world afresh. A tiny insect on a path, a cat strolling past, a car window – all these things my children looked at wide-eyed with wonder. When I shared it with them I could see the awe of God’s creation afresh.
The old adage “Take the time to smell the flowers” really does ring true.
5. Spend time with friends who will do you good!
Just getting out and being with people who have a positive impact on you is important. It really is worth the effort – and believe me I know what an effort it can be to get out of the house!
Once with friends you can offload and talk through any difficulties together. I assure you, you won’t be alone in your experiences. Every time I am tearing my hair out, thinking I must be the world’s worst mum or wife, there is always a friend who has had a similar experience to me who can offer words of wisdom, encouragement and help.
Close Christian friends can also remind you of God’s goodness – something we seem to forget far too easily when we are travelling at break-neck speed to keep up with our stressful lives.
Claire’s note: I jotted down the above thoughts a few years ago, and recently revisited them. My children are now both in school, which gives me a little more space (although I use that time to work and also serve alongside my husband when necessary in our capacity as church leaders). But the principles I share above still make such a difference in my life, helping me connect with God each day in a meaningful way.
Claire is a freelance writer, speaker and editor, pastor’s wife, and mum to two gorgeous children. Claire’s desire is to help others draw closer to God through her writing. Her books include Taking your Spiritual Pulse, CWR’s Insight Into Managing Conflict and Insight Into Self-acceptance, Cover to Cover: David A man after God’s own heart and study guides on Prayer and Jesus. Claire also writes a regular column for Christian Today. To find out more about her, and her upcoming books, please visit and @CMusters on Twitter.
Thanks Claire for sharing!
Need practical resources to help you connect with God as a mum?
Do you desire more of God in your day-to-day? Do you find it difficult to meet with Him in the midst of being a mum?
Download my free email series with 10 days of simple ideas and resources to help you meet God in a fresh way. Each idea is simple, practical and doable for busy mums!
10 Days 10 Ways to Meet God in the Midst of Motherhood
And check out my posts:
30 Practical Ideas to Intimacy with Jesus…When You’re a Mum
The Goal and Purpose of My Life (Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed in this season of motherhood? You don’t have to! It’s OK to say “No”. And, it is possible to take time out to rest in Him.)
This post is part of The Mums With Jesus Series. Thanks for reading!
50+ Ideas & Resources to Help Your Family Grow in Love
Anne @ Like the morning sun says
I feel blessed to know they are still young and I can intentionally enjoy having them around so much! My youngest is still at home and I love it. But oh, those mornings… They are so full of activity. Thank you for the reminder to invite God in my day, my activities – and to really seek Him throughout the day.
Joanna Chee says
I loved having my little ones home too. Enjoy them 🙂
Angela says
Thanks so much for sharing this. As the mother of two young children, I can definitely relate.
Joanna Chee says
So glad it was helpful to you Angela. God bless you 🙂
The Hippy Christian Mum says
Such an encouraging post. I am currently at that ‘at least one child hanging on me at any one time’ phase of motherhood and so I can relate to that when you wrote it. The worship music tip is great, it’s something I do and it can change my whole day….and the baby loves it too! 🙂 #CBUKJoinInJanuary
Joanna Chee says
Thanks! Just checked out your blog. Love it 🙂
Claire says
So pleased you found the post helpful. Yes, that worship music tip was invaluable to me – so obvious, but I’d just missed it in the haze of early motherhood, as is so easy to do! My kids ended up loving music because they were surrounded by it. My eldest, when a toddler, used to sit and play with toys she could shake and bang while we did worship practise in our front room! Their love of worship music continues to today – both play musical instruments and their aim is to join the worship band at church 🙂
Michelle Twin Mum says
Thanks so much for sharing Claire, My kids are older now and it definitely gets easier as they grow but that remembering to snatch moments with Gd is still the one I use most and the car is a great place on the school run once alone, Mich x
Claire says
Thanks Michelle. Yes, it does get easier in so far as our kids aren’t literally hanging on us anymore – but we still have to carve out those moments with God as there are many other distractions that are happy to take the place of young children! My husband built a window seat in our conservatory last Christmas – that’s now my special place to grab a cuppa and my Bible after the kids have been dropped off to school 🙂 Love your blogs by the way – have subscribed 🙂