My Mum tells me that I asked Jesus into my life when I was 2 ½ years old. What a privilege to have lived my whole life with Jesus. I’m forever grateful to God for parents who encouraged and allowed me to know Jesus so young. You may or may not have had the same privilege. What about your children?
Jesus says, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14
Jesus loves our children and He longs for them to know that love and to know him personally. He delights in them, just as he delighted in the children running round the temple, singing praise to him. (He kicked everyone else out!) Matthew 21:12-16
One of our sons, David, also asked Jesus into his heart when he was 2 ½ years old. I was putting him to bed – he prayed thanking Jesus for going to the market that day, for his new ball…for an orange a stall-keeper gave him! I started talking a bit about Jesus, and then felt I should ask him if he’d like Jesus in his life.
Immediately, he said ‘Yes’, and without me saying anything, he screwed up his eyes and said, ‘Thank you Jesus in my heart. Thank you Jesus in my heart.’ So simple, and yet I know he touched the Father’s heart.
Our 4 year old, Josh, asked Jesus into his life a few weeks later. It is so special to be a family together in Christ, and to know we will always be.
Of course our children will grow in their understanding, knowledge and experience of God. We all do.
But… it can ONLY be to our children’s advantage that they know Jesus from young. Jesus can be their friend, someone to talk to, someone to help them through every struggle, right from nursery onwards!
In fact, Jesus says that little children are to be our example in receiving Him and His kingdom!
Mark 10:15 says ‘…whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.’
A child’s faith is what it takes to know Jesus!
Pray for your children, tell them about Jesus, ask them if they want Jesus in their heart. It may not happen straight away. We asked a few times before our Josh was ready, but then it really was his own decision and very meaningful for him.
God’s heart says ‘Let the little children come to Me… all my promises and blessings are for them… they will be my children and I will be their God.’
50+ Ideas & Resources to Help Your Family Grow in Love
Such a joy when your children come to know Him as you do. My three are all in different places and my oldest stil hasn’t made the commitment but he is happy to come to church still and engages so thats positive. Mich x
Thanks for sharing Mich. It’s quite amazing, isn’t it? God loves our kids even more than we do, where ever they’re at. Blessing to you and your family. Jo xx