Being a mum is hard work.
If you’re a mum, then you know it (and I don’t need to mention the often physical and emotional exhaustion, the piled up laundry and dishes, the tough decisions, and the constant demands).
The amazing news is that God never intended for you to be a mum without him.
He cares deeply for you and longs to come along side you. He cares what kind of a day you’re having. He wants to equip you and help you. You are precious to him.
He also has huge vested interest in your children. He lovingly made them and has great purpose for them. He longs to be involved in their day-to-day care because they are his.
You don’t have to do it all on your own!
10 Days 10 Ways to Meet God in the Midst of Motherhood
Experience a freshness of God in your life. Receive a short email each day for 10 days with an idea and resources to help you meet with God. Each idea is simple, practical and doable for busy mums!
And so,
The #1 secret to coping (and thriving) in motherhood is to…
Be a mum WITH Jesus
For me, the ‘with’ suggests just ‘being’…being with Jesus, each moment of the day.
The more I am a mum with Jesus, the more I am a mum with joy, a mum with peace, a mum with patience, a mum with wisdom, a mum with strength, a mum with kindness, a mum with love….
Being a mum WITH Jesus means
1. Being conscious of Jesus in everyday life as a mum
Jesus says,
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Jesus is with you.
Wow! Just think what that means in reality.
When the kids are tired and whiny, Jesus is with you. His patience is there for you.
When you’re tired, Jesus is with you. His strength and rest are there for you.
When your kids both want the same toy at the same time, Jesus is with you. His wisdom is there for you.
When everything’s crowding in at once, Jesus is with you. His peace is there for you.
Be conscious of him in everything. Receive from him in everything.
Being a mum WITH Jesus means
2. Involving Jesus in all your cares and concerns
The Bible says,
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7
The word ‘cast’ means to deliberately throw off.
Deliberately throw your cares onto Jesus.
It’s easy to come to God with the big things. He cares about the ‘little’ things too.
Tell him your kids are driving you crazy (and ask for his help). Give him your concerns about your son’s spelling (and ask his wisdom). Tell him how tired you are (and receive his rest).
Tell him everything. Give him everything. Receive from him.
He cares.
Involve him.
Be a mum WITH Jesus.
Getting Started
To help you get started, I’ve written an email series called 10 Days 10 Ways to Meet God in the Midst of Motherhood.
Sign up for free, and for 10 days you’ll receive a short email with an idea and resources to help you draw close to God that day. Each idea will be simple, practical and doable for busy mums!
I long for more of Jesus in my day-to-day life. I will be doing this too!
A testimony to encourage you!
In closing, let me share a post, from a Christian Mum Facebook group I’m part of, written by Andrea Johnson. (Shared with permission.)
As I started yet another day with a teething, snotty, velcro-baby, an attention-demanding, tantrum-throwing-pre-schooler, a messy, unclean house, and a complaining-all-of-the-above-are-not-in-order-hubby, I dropped to my knees in prayer as I could not face another day like this.
I was at the end of my rope. In fact, the rope had snapped, I had fallen and smacked into the ground.
“I cannot do this without you anymore Jesus!”
For so long I’d been trying to cope and asking Jesus to give me whatever it was I needed for that day. But the problem was accepting His help.
I wanted to prove to myself and everyone that I could handle this, otherwise I’d failed right?
There on my knees, I remembered the passage “I can do all things THROUGH Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13
At that moment, I gave it all to him. The tears, the tantrums (my own mostly!), the snot, the clingyness, the guilt, the pressure, the sleep deprivation. I left it all at the cross.
Now what?
“Trust me, I’ve got you my sweet girl. Let it all go.”
In that moment God told me he does not want me, or equip me, to be ‘supermum’. He wants me, each and every day on my knees in surrender to him, allowing him to enable me to cope with whatever life throws at me.
He wants my eyes looking up not down.
THROUGH him, I can do all things.
Motherhood is blinking tough! He knows that, but he didn’t give me the job so I could do it on my own, in my own strength.
He gave me the job of being mummy to my girls so I would turn to him for strength. So I would rely on him for EVERYTHING. So I would give it ALL back to him, on my knees in surrender.
He’s got you and he’s got your ‘stuff’. Whatever you’re dealing with, give it to him. He wants it. Leave it at the cross and don’t go back for it.
“I’ve got you.”
Beautiful words. (They made me cry.) Let them be real to you today.
And remember, if you too long for more of Jesus in your day-to-day life, then access 10 Days 10 Ways to Meet God in the Midst of Motherhood.
You’ll receive a short email each day for 10 days with an idea and resources to help you meet with God. Each idea is simple, practical and doable for busy mums!
God wants you to thrive in this season of being a mum. He’s with you and for you.

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This post is part of The Mums With Jesus Series. Thanks for reading!
10 Days | 10 Ways to Meet God in the Midst of Motherhood

Do you desire more of God in your day-to-day? Do you find it difficult to meet with him in the midst of being a mum? Sign up to receive 10 days of simple ideas to help you meet God in a fresh way.
Hi Joanna, I found your blog on TwinsMommy, and am so glad I did! Just what I need, as a mom who also wants to love my family and meet God. I will definitely be coming back often!
Hi Natasha. Thanks for your lovely words! So pleased to have you visit. Look forward to seeing you again! 🙂
I was intrigued to know what your number one tip was, and when i found out it was parenting with Jesus I felt shocked and pleased and relieved all at once! Of course doing life with him is the only way to truly flourish. Thanks so much for this comforting reminder!
Thanks for reading Cathy! Glad you were pleased and relieved! I pray you know Jesus with you in greater measure this week 🙂
Thank you Joanna, I love this reminder. So important to be a mum with Jesus. I’ve signed up for the emails. Mich x
Thanks for signing up Mich. Hope they are a blessing to you xx
Thank you so much for this post!! You are absolutely right. There is NOTHING else that helps more with the stress of motherhood than turning to Jesus constantly !! I needed this reminder today. Thank you for blessing my mama heart !
Thanks so much Lee! May you know Jesus in everything you do today. More of him!