I’m so excited to have you visit! My name’s Joanna. You can find out more about me here!
Many years ago, before the days of websites and blogs, I had a dream!
I dreamed of writing a book for Mums, a book that Mums who did not have time to read, would be able to read, a book that Mums could open at any page and find a snippet of help, an inspiring thought, or a word of encouragement. I even thought of calling my book, ‘For Mums who Don’t have Time to Read’!
Well, the sad news is, the book never made it.
The great news is, this site is that book!
Technology has enabled me to put everything I ever dreamed of, and more, into Mums.Kids.Jesus.
So, I pray that whatever page you land on, you find something to help you, something to inspire you, or something to encourage you.
Use the navigation bar at the top of this page to explore the site, and find your way around.
I have lots of FREE resources to offer you too! Check them out here.
Be blessed!
I’d like to dedicate this site to:
My precious Mum and Dad: Thank you for being such amazing parents! Much of this site is what I learned from you!
My incredible husband: You’re my best friend ever, and a fantastic dad to our kids. I wouldn’t be the mum I am without you.
My four wonderful kids: I wouldn’t have anything to write if it wasn’t for you. I love you all so much!
50+ Ideas & Resources to Help Your Family Grow in Love
Congratulations, dear Jo!
You made it!!! Well done. 🙂 Your website looks absolutely wonderful, you’ve made a great job designing it! Thank you for persevering in finishing it and now sharing your wisdom, encouragement and insights to us Mums!
Love you,
Thank you dear Anna! Your prayers and encouragement have been a big part of it all!
Wow, Jo! This is really great! It’s already given me some new ideas for the girls. And has been such an encouragement. God is already using your words to touch people like me.
Erica…thank you so much! You have no idea how much that encourages me!
This is a very well made web site. Well done Joanna. I could quickly open the pages and drop down menus. I have read bits here and there, excellent material. Too much to see tonight. I cant see everything you have done since being a Mum in one evening, lots of time to view pages and links. I have shared on Facebook. Love your love of Jesus. Judy Owen x
Thanks Judy. Hope you continue to enjoy it!
Stunning website design, very eye-catching and wonderful resource Jo. I am encouraged to see this as I know this has been waiting to be birthed for a long time. I know it will bless many.
God bless
Thanks so much Maxine! Yes – it’s been a lot of hard work! But it’s dream come true!
wow! I’m impressed. well done Jo! x
Thanks so much Karen!